The Way Forward through Sacred Assembly

Series: The Way Forward


In our text, Nehemiah moves from reconstructing the wall into reconstructing the spiritual life of the people of God. This happens as they get involved in a series of large group worship experiences called Solemn or Sacred Assemblies (Nehemiah 8:18). As a church, we’re doing the same thing tonight. We’re going to have a sacred assembly. This text will help us understand what that’s all about. Because when God wants to reconstruct a life, and a community, there is one thing we must do to join Him in that work and its tied to sacred assembly.

  1. We Must Pursue Our Joy in God.

  2. We Pursue God’s Joy Through Confession of Sin.

Because Jesus had joy as He looked at the cross (Hebrews12:2), knowing that on it He was fulfilling God’s purpose to redeem sinners, we too can have joy even when facing the ups and downs of life.

Community Groups

Community Groups are sermon-based small groups (10 or less) that meet in a variety of places, including homes. Those who cannot participate in a Community Group are encouraged to download the discussion questions for part of their personal Bible study and/or for family discussion. 

Speaker: Rich Schoenert

February 21, 2021

Nehemiah 8:1-9:38

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