The Gift of Grace for Our Brokenness
Series: Christmas Gifts
One of God’s most amazing gifts is wrapped up in a very unusual place: It is found inside a genealogy…the genealogy of Jesus Christ! It’s the gift of His love. The family tree in Matthew is arranged in three groups of 14 people each, thus making it rather easy for early Christians to memorize. It proves that Jesus Christ has the right to reign over us as King. But it also reveals the love and grace of this King in a very powerful way.
Takeaway: Responding to God’s gift of love:
Desensitized to God’s love: The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were so impressed with their devotion to God that they rejected the very Savior provided by God. Is that you?
Letting God love us: God’s acceptance of moral failures should convince us that He wants to extend the same grace and love to us and include us in Jesus’ family tree as His spiritual descendants!
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