“The Denial” #2

Series: The Last Week: Seven Days That Changed Everything


The Bible frequently records the moral failures of God’s people for all to see: Noah’s drunkenness and indecent exposure; Abraham’s lies; Moses’ anger that left a man dead; Achan’s thievery; the sexual scandals of David and Samson; Jonah’s rebellion. The biblical record is not pretty. But its realistic description reminds us that no follower of Jesus Christ is above moral failure.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

The Bible frequently records the moral failures of God’s people for all to see: Noah’s drunkenness and indecent exposure; Abraham’s lies; Moses’ anger that left a man dead; Achan’s thievery; the sexual scandals of David and Samson; Jonah’s rebellion. The biblical record is not pretty. But its realistic description reminds us that no follower of Jesus Christ is above moral failure.

In these verses before us, John forces us to take a look at the darkest moment in Peter’s life.  Peter was known as "The Rock," the Gibraltar among the disciples. Yet the rock was not without its cracks. Undoubtedly, the Bible records Peter’s fall (it is in all four Gospels) so that we may learn some valuable lessons that can help us deal with our own failures and acts of denial.

  1. Moral failure often involves a process: Self-confidence; peer pressure; remaining in the place of danger; rejection of the truth.
  2. There is a pathway to recovery: Admit the failure; receive His forgiveness.

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Speaker: Rich Schoenert

March 14, 2021

John 18:15-18, John 18:25-27

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