Renewing Our Faith

Series: Renewing the Church's Mission


In this second letter, Jesus calls on His followers to remain faithful in the midst of suffering. No matter how short or long our lives, each of us will experience some degree of affliction. How do we handle it? The letter that Jesus wrote to the church at Smyrna reveals five down-to-earth answers:

  1. A word of assurance: “I know….” Jesus knows about our suffering.

  2. A word of encouragement: “Do not be afraid….”

  3. A word of instruction: “I tell you….” Poverty, slander, prison, death: Christians in Smyrna faced it all. If we live a godly life, we will experience persecution (2 Tim.3:12).

  4. A word of challenge: “Be faithful….”

  5. A word of promise: “I will give you….” If we persevere, and by our perseverance prove the genuineness of our faith, we will be honored by Jesus.

Takeaway: Are you among those who demonstrate the genuineness of your faith by remaining faithful to Christ? Then be encouraged by His word of promise!

Community Groups

Community Groups are sermon-based small groups (10 or less) that meet in a variety of places, including homes. Those who cannot participate in a Community Group are encouraged to download the discussion questions for part of their personal Bible study and/or for family discussion. 

Speaker: Rich Schoenert

September 27, 2020

Revelation 2:8-11

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