Renewing Our Commitment to Truth

Series: Renewing the Church's Mission


One of the most important values in our culture today is the notion of tolerance, that there is no objective, universal, overarching truth. All viewpoints, lifestyles, beliefs and behaviors are equally valid. We’re told that it’s not a matter of saying that something is right or wrong, but that you find what’s right for you. However, if all ideas are equally valid, then no idea is really worth our allegiance. The result is moral chaos and confusion. Jesus wrote a letter to a church struggling with such issues. It was located in Pergamum, a city especially known for its religious diversity. Temples and altars were everywhere. What does Jesus say to people who are not sure any more about the truth? How do we find our way out of our maze of moral confusion?

  1. Realize that Jesus Christ is the truth.

  2. Repent of living according to lies.

  3. Recognize that the source of error is satanic.

  4. Rejoice that the truth will triumph.

Takeaway: How do we deal with the need for direction, while living in a culture that says there are no absolutes? Begin by realizing that Jesus is the truth. Repent of living according to falsehoods and lies. Recognize that the source of error is Satan. And, rejoice that the truth will triumph!

Community Groups

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Speaker: Geoff Bohleen

October 4, 2020

Revelation 2:12-17

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