Renewing Our Commitment to Purity

Series: Renewing the Church's Mission


Consider the following figures about people who attend church in the United States:

  • One out of every 10 men attending church is dealing with a sexual addiction.

  • 25 million Americans visit sexually explicit websites for up to 10 hours a week.

  • 70% of internet pornography occurs during the workday.

  • 37% of pastors struggle with the temptation of online pornography.

  • 25% of husbands and 12% of wives have committed adultery.

This is an area of struggle for many people, even those within the church. If we’re going to live in sexual purity, we’re going to need clear, specific biblical principles to direct our behavior. Here Jesus provides such clear guidance.

Takeaway: Where do you need to repent? Jesus motivates us to live in purity by giving us promises. He will share His authority with His faithful, conquering people (Ps.2:8). And in promising us the morning star, He is promising us Himself (22;16).

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Speaker: Rich Schoenert

October 11, 2020

Revelation 2:18-29

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