Love One Another



One attitude is especially crucial to our life as Christians and the impact of this church! If you thought “love” you’re correct! 16 times in the N.T. we’re told to “love one another.” Most of us have heard this command hundreds of times. The danger is that we stop listening or thinking about love. It’s a temptation we all face, and the tragic result of giving in to it is that we often spend little or no time thinking about the implications of the biblical mandate to love one another. Yet, God has some very important things to say to us about love, things we desperately need to hear, especially living, as we do, in a culture that is so confused and mixed-up about what love really is. The Apostle John will help us to understand the importance of love and its implications in a new and fresh way.

  1. The Evidence of Love: What does its presence prove (3:14-15)?
    1. Positive: Love is evidence of life.
    2. Negative: Hatred is evidence of death.
  2. The Essence of Love: What is it (3:11-13, 16-18)?
    1. Negative example: Cain.
    2. Positive example: Christ.

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Speaker: Rich Schoenert

January 3, 2021

1 John 3:11-18

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