The Way Forward through Prayer

Series: The Way Forward


We desire that the Lord accomplish incredible things in the life of our church, including exposing any and all idols/sin that may be grieving the Spirit, giving us His vision for our future, and leading us to the person of His choice to be our next senior pastor. What confidence do we have that He will accomplish all this on our behalf? The benediction found in our text encourages us to ask boldly for such things.

  1. Examining God’s Power.

  2. Experiencing God’s Power.

  3. Examples of God’s Power.

Let this motivate you to pray! For yourself, pray especially for strength, a closer relationship with Christ, a greater love for others, a greater awareness of how much you are loved by Christ, and a greater intimacy with God! For the church, pray for Him to expose any and all sin that may grieve Him, His vision for our future, and His leading to the person of His choice to be our next pastor. Then, give glory to God! The power comes from Him; so, the glory must go to Him, as well! And it will!

Community Groups

Community Groups are sermon-based small groups (10 or less) that meet in a variety of places, including homes. Those who cannot participate in a Community Group are encouraged to download the discussion questions for part of their personal Bible study and/or for family discussion. 

Speaker: Rich Schoenert

January 17, 2021

Ephesians 3:20-21

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