Children's Ministry

The Bible often tells us about God’s tender heart for children. He demonstrated his love for little ones by spending time with them, and yes, even going to the cross for them. We want children at Prairie Hill to understand that Jesus loves each one of them very much and that he wants them to know him.

Our teachers have a desire to come alongside parents to help instruct every child how to love and worship God. We do this through Bible lessons and hands-on activities. We believe it is a blessing to serve, protect and love the youngest members in our world.


We provide childcare during the worship service is available for infants and children up to 4 years.

Sunday School

From September - May, our Sunday School classes (for children ages 2 years through Grade 5)  provide age-appropriate Bible lessons and learning activities that are fun and educational.  The children learn about the character of God, the work of Christ, and the means of living in right relationship to Him.

Children’s Church

Children are welcome during our 10:30am worship service. Children also have the option to attend Children’s Church for the second half of the service. During that time, they will have a Bible lesson, an activity, and singing time. When announced from the screen, children from age four to fifth grade exit the rear of the sanctuary where their teachers will meet them. After the service, parents can pick their children up from their classrooms.

Wednesday Nights

From September - April, we run a weekly children's ministry program called Awana! This program trains our children to go deeper with their faith and understanding of the gospel while at the same time giving brand new Christians and unbelievers the basics needed to begin building their faith. Key components of Awana include scripture memory, Bible teaching time, and game time. Our clubs consist of Cubbies (3-5 year olds), Sparks (Kindergarten -2nd grade) and Truth & Training (3rd - 5th grade).   We meet on Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:00pm.


All children's ministry staff and volunteers are required to attend Child Safety Training and undergo background checks prior to working with children.

Follow Us on Social Media!

Our Children's Ministry now has its own social media pages, where you can find information about upcoming events, pictures from past events, inspiration, advice, and more! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram


Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Matthew 19:14